Facts about the Super Wal-Mart

· 1979: County zoned the property for 12.6 acres of commercial
· 1985: County and O.P. task force united to annex Stanley. The site remained 12.6 acres, 110,000 Sq. Ft. commercial use
· 1996: Rezoned to 26 acres = 220,000 Sq. Ft. with 5 pad sites.


· There has never been a full traffic study done for this intersection. All information is based upon limited traffic studies.
· Both the 1996 and 2000 traffic impact studies are invalid because they are based on the assumption of a new interchange at 159th.
· KDOT limits interchanges to no less than 2-mile intervals. The interchange at 151st is less than 2 miles from 159th.
· An interchange at 159th is not in the State's Master plan or OP's or the County's.
· The county has no plans and no funds to improve two lane 159th street or two lane Metcalf south of 159th.
· 8 neighborhood schools.
· Semi trailers delivering goods will exit at 167th and drive north on two lane Metcalf by private homes 24 hours a day.

The Character of the neighborhood:

· This would be the only large chain retail store that's opened 24 hrs, 365 days a year.
· The proposed 204,184 Sq. Ft. would be the LARGEST retail store in Overland Park.
· The County documented it's opposition to this proposal for the following reasons:
1. Does not fit the Character of the area.
2. Blue Valley Plan: Restricted Commercial/neighborhood business uses.
4. The traffic generated by this development, the noise and exterior lighting impacts, especially in association with extended hours of operation, would have detrimental affects on the nearby residences.

· In Stanley along 151st Street there is already commercial zoning to accommodate over 3 million square feet of commercial property. This is a amount many times in excess of the needs of the local community.
· South of 159th Street is now and will remain low and very low density residential.

.The conformance of the proposed use to the Master Plan, the Land Use Intensity System and other adopted planning policies.

· Currently, there are no commercial sites on 159th from Kenneth/State Line Road west to 169 Highway in Olathe.
· The Master Plan was for a strip mall with 5 pad sites. Only the square footage conforms to the Plan.
· This use is not in keeping with the Blue Valley Plan, which indicates Restricted Commercial Neighborhood Development.

Resolution 1896 - Character and individuality of the Stanley Morse area

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